Blog: 4 Ways to Turn Offline Ads into Online Content

Real estate flyers (and other print materials) were once the go-to marketing move for agents and brokers.
Fast-forward to today, though, and these promotional items have taken a backseat to online marketing tactics.
But what if we told we that you could easily create flyers for your agency, use them in person, and promote them on your website to generate new business?
Let’s get started:

Step #1: Organize all your visual branding assets: agent headshots, listing photos, etc.

Most agents have digital storage plans and file naming guidelines in place so they can easily find all the multimedia —photos, videos, logos, etc. — they need to use for their real estate marketing.
If you already use Google Drive, Dropbox, or another cloud storage solution, you’re already in good shape and can likely find what you’re looking for.
If you don’t take advantage of these platforms and have multimedia files scattered all over the place, now’s the time to take a long, hard look at your storage strategy. (May we recommend a marketing or virtual assistant?)
The point is, before you start creating real estate flyers for your business, you need to collect and organize the following pieces of content:
  • Photos: Headshots of you and your team members, photos of listings sold, shots of new listings you represent, and pictures you’ve taken of your market.
  • Videos: You can’t include a video in your actual flyers, but you can grab screen shots from them to use for flyers, if you don’t have enough traditional photos.
  • Logo: Create several versions (e.g. in different sizes, formats, colors) so you can have multiple options to use in your flyers.
You don’t want to start designing your real estate flyers without having all of this real estate marketing material in one place.
So, create clearly labeled folders on your computer (and ideally in cloud software) so you can find those files quickly in the future.

Step #2: Design your real estate flyers (using our templates) or hire a professional to help out.

Now we can turn our attention to the task at hand — devising real estate flyers that:
  • a) effectively promote your agency
  • b) are visually attractive
  • c) stand out from other local agents’ ads
  • d) persuade your audience to contact you

Step #3: Slightly modify your offline real estate flyers so they can become online graphics.

All of our free real estate flyer templates are designed for use in the “real world”:
  • Sharing them in neighborhood shops and restaurants
  • Posting them in your agency’s office window
  • Handing them out at local events and meetups
  • Direct mailing them to locals and/or your top leads

Step #4: Promote your digital flyers in different places (e.g. website pages, social media).

These are just a few options for sharing your real estate flyers online:
  • Specialty pages on your website, like community and area pages
  • On visually-focused social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest
  • Through drip email marketing campaigns
The best online marketers are constantly testing what works and what doesn’t. If you’re up for an experiment of your own, here are a few you can run:
  • Test to see which social networks help drive the most engagement with your flyers
  • Keep an eye on which kinds of emails (blog posts, digests, agency newsletters, listing updates, community news roundups, etc.) lead to the most clicks back to your website
A/B tests for your real estate marketing like the ones above can help ensure your real estate flyers effectively promote your brand and deliver on the ultimate goal: new leads you can nurture.